Outdoors & Adventure Filmmaker
Filmmaker? Director? Videographer? Cameraman? Content creator? As versatile as a Swiss Army knife, I'm all of these things at once. But above all, I am an adventure filmmaker. As an outdoor video specialist, I offer a wide range of expertise in a specific field.
After more than a decade of working in the video production industry, I've been fortunate to work for just about every type of business. Exploring different industries has confirmed my passion: filming in nature. Regardless if I had a few hours of sleep or if Mother Nature is in a state, I find my happiness and work best in the great outdoors.
If you're here, it's probably because you're looking for that person who's willing to do anything for the shot, that person who's willing to climb a mountain with a backpack full of camera gear. If that's the case, I'm your guy... or your team. Because I'm solo or multi, depending on your needs.
If what you read speaks to you, just click on "Contact". I want to know everything about your project!